„We style, you sell“ is our motto.
Furniture and decorations create atmosphere in your real estate. Good styling can make the difference for potential buyers deciding whether to purchase. Here you can read all about renting cardboard furniture from Style at Home.
Meet our team:
Style at Home was founded in 2010 and rents out more than 400 temporary setups per year. We create model apartments, show homes, and furnish vacant properties to make them cozy and inviting. We make spaces look larger and highlight the property’s strengths.
Since 2014, we have also been working with cardboard furniture, making real estate staging affordable for realtors and homeowners. Box in Office handles setups for the office market.
In 2020, Style at Home Spain was launched, with our warehouses located in Barcelona.
Where can you find us at trade shows?
– MIPIM – Palais des Festivals Cannes
– MAPIC – Palais des Festivals Cannes
– REALTY – Gare Maritime
– Salon van de Medeëigendom